Frequently Asked Questions
Students need to complete all their training within 120 days from the start date. If it is can’t be accomplished, the student may be required to start again.
Students want to know how effective the classes are, also they want to know how easy the course is. We have less interest in numbers like these and focus instead on developing the confident drivers possible.
We offer various courses, and they each are priced differently. Feel free to Contact us for further details.
Every state has different requirements to acquire a license. A teen driver needs to be at least 15 years old and have consent from their parents or guardians before their first class.
We have flexible schedules that every student can fit into.
Can’t get License under the age of 16. Drivers 16-17 years old can apply for a Junior Drivers’ License (Class DJ).
A Good Instructor should know how to make students feel comfortable behind the wheel. Have to instruct students in a way that students can easily understand.
If a New Driver doesm’t pass the test, he may be required to retake the course.